Anatomy and Physiology with James

Anatomy & Physiology Radio - The Endocrine System - Jan. 23, 2013

This is the first show of the term and I provide an introduction into the endocrine system. I discuss some of the key hormones involved in regulating bodily processes. Emphasis is placed on the hormones of the anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary gland and the role the hypothalamus plays in the control of hormonal release. Enjoy! Basics on endocrine system here.

Anatomy & Physiology Radio - The Endocrine System (Outro.) and Cardiovascular System (Intro.) - Jan. 28, 2013

In this episode I close out the endocrine system with a discussion on the thyroid gland and I open a discussion on the cardiovascular system, in particular the chambers of the heart and the electrical impluses initiated at the SA node. Enjoy!

Anatomy & Physiology Radio - The Blood Vessel Types - Feb. 28, 2013

In this episode I discuss the three main blood vessel types. These are arteries, which carry blood away from the heart, veins, which carry blood back to the heart, and capillaries, which are responsible for gas/waste exchange at the tissues. Enjoy!

Anatomy & Physiology Radio - The Physiology of Circulation - Mar. 06, 2013

In this episode I discuss the physiology of circulation. Some of the key topics include determinants of blood flow, blood pressure and various ways in which blood pressure can be regulated for both the short and long term. Enjoy!

Anatomy & Physiology Radio - The Lymphatic System - Mar. 13, 2013

In this episode I discuss the lymphatic system. Emphasis is placed on the lymphatic vessels, trunks and ducts. I also explore the various lymph nodes and circulation of lymph through these nodes. The next episode concludes the lymphatic system with a discussion on the various organs. Enjoy!

Anatomy & Physiology Radio - The Lymphatic System/Immune System - Mar. 13, 2013

In this episode I conclude my discussion on the lymphatic system and open a discussion on the immune system. The immune system is designed to use innate as well as adaptive means to protect the body against foreign substances. This show explores in depth the innate ways of defence. These include: fever, natural killer cells, various phagocytes, inflammation and antimicrobial proteins, along with the skin and mucosa. Enjoy!

Anatomy & Physiology Radio - The Immune System II- Mar. 20, 2013

In this episode I conclude my discussion on the immune system. The main topic discussed is the adaptive immune system, which includes humoral (B lymphocytes) and cell-mediated immunity (T lymphocytes). Enjoy!